
Using Standard Jewelry Materials Far More Creatively

It’s very easy to feel one has reached the limits of creativity when it comes to jewelry design. If you’re one for contemporary jewelry stypes, it’s even more common. Beads, shells and recycled materials may just not be your type of thing.

Where the human mind fails us is in our tendency to see a problem and assume defeat when there is no obvious solution. But think a little harder; what are you really tired of? Are you tired of gold, silver, platinum, diamonds or crystal? No, because you’re trying to find a way to diversify it. This means that you’re tired of their style and the limitations they bring. –Or better said, that we bring upon them.

This brings us to yet another problem with the human mind – we think along the lines we have been taught to understand in life. In terms of jewelry, we understand “Gold” to equal “expensive”, “expensive” to equal “sophistication” and “sophistication” to equal “conforming to certain expectations”. We expect every gem to be polished and every stone to be refined. Isn’t the popular high-school student always expected to be a blonde cheerleader with a footballer boyfriend? When she isn’t and he’s not, we’re perplexed; but we’re also pleasantly surprised.

My point is that if we just removed the boundaries we’ve been taught when it comes to jewelry design, we’d be able to come up with concepts like these:

1.       German Kabirski (
2.       Starborn Creations (
3.       Kristy Lin (

Jewelry For Your Pet - With or Without The Flash

Oh admit it – there are a lot of pet-lovers out there that may include yourself, who would love to dress up their dog – big or small- like Paris Hilton does. –If they could afford it, of course. Granted, not every dog owner is guaranteed to be as flashy, though.

There are two types of serious dog lovers:
1.       Those who like to show off their dogs and pitch them on their rooftops
2.       And those who just think an accessory would either look hilarious or adorable
So, we went and found some dog accessory items suitable for both kinds of dog lovers… go wild!

Paris Hilton-type Dog Lovers:

·         Duke & Fritz: ( Well, need I really say more?
·         Primp Your Pet: ( Really? Really. These neck items take “choke” to a whole new level.
·         The Sassy Pup: ( If they ever decided to do a “Titanic” film with animals, they should consider this place for wardrobe.
·         PetEdge: ( “What’s that, honey? You wanted to win the pageant so you could wear a tiara? No worries, you can have Muffin’s.”
·         Unknown: ( “And I hereby declare that all my assets shall be left to my dog, Queenie…”
·         Perfect ( “I see dead puppies…”

Good-for-a-Laugh-Type Dog Lovers:

·         BaxterBoo: ( Read it - it’s so true!
·         Tertium Non Data: ( Hey – at least it doesn’t have rhinestones…
·         Paws & You: ( -On a more serious note, low-key designs that still look good can be found here. It’s perfect for the average animal lover.


Cubic Zirconia: The Mixed Reaction

There has been quite a hype regarding cubic zirconia lately. It’s hyped for being the solution to the average woman’s wallet. On special occasions, it appears to be a god-send to men, too. The funny thing about competition is that there are always two sides and while both parties may have arguable points, no side will compromise. The two sides that exist in modern day jewelry are the traditionalists who believe that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and the innovators who think cubic zirconia has just proven to be friendlier.

While I’m sure this is an argument that is going to go on for decades, there does seem to be one obvious flaw with the “cubic zirconia” concept: limitation. For reasons that don’t actually exist, when one thinks of “diamonds”, one tends to think of endless possibilities. Take J-Lo’s “Waiting For Tonight” video; that a great example of an extensive use of diamonds, don’t you think? Yet when it comes to cubic zirconia, everyone assumes it will follow a stereo-typed sense of style. It won’t be anything more than a copy-cat to what diamonds have already done. It can’t impress, because there’s nothing new left to discover, so it can only be inferior.

What people fail to recognize is that cubic zirconia does follow in diamonds’ footsteps, but it certainly opens a lot more doors then it closes. Diamonds are becoming rare and with a shine that makes the grade, cubic zirconia stones will be the jewelry industries’ solution. Not only will they fill the gap, but they will make high-end jewelry available to the modest women. Considering the difficult financial times we seem to find ourselves in this time, that’s a pretty impressive feat.

So decide for yourself: can traditionalists really commit their loyalty to diamonds? It doesn’t take much intelligence to understand that diamonds will hold a quality over this nemesis that will remain unsurpassed. -But when some experts in the jewelry industry find themselves struggling to tell the difference between the two at first glance, is that argument really feasible? When the world is more often than not overrun by the average person and he/she can only afford realism, then surely it’s like tradition in this modern world… outdated.